Instrument Business Outlook Volume 33 - Issue 6

2 Jul 2024
Table of Contents
  • FY23 Productivity Increases for Lab Tool Companies Amidst Challenges
    • Sales per Employee: Double-Digit Gains
    • Sales per Employee: Single-Digit Increases
    • Sales per Employee: Declines
    • Sales-per-Employee Rankings
    • Productivity Highlights by Division
    • Productivity Highlights by Region
    • Conclusion
  • Executive Briefing
    • Illumina Spins-off GRAIL
    • Sartorius CEO to Step Down
    • Calibre Scientific Buys Two More Companies
    • Olink Transaction Receives Germany’s Approval
  • IBO Stock Indexes Post Mixed Results
    • Laboratory Instruments and Products Stock Index
    • Diversified Instrumentation Stock Index
    • International Stocks
  • Market Profile: Multiplex Immunoassays
    • Leading Vendors
    • Largest Markets
    • Cost
  • Industry Watch
    • Pharma: Cancer Trials in 2023
    • Energy: Oil Forecasts
    • Food: Reformulation a Priority
  • Region Watch
    • China: New Research University to Open
    • Mexico: New President Indicates Support for Science
    • Africa : USP National Formulary Access
  • News
    • Sequencing
      • Company Announcements
      • Product Introductions
      • Sales & Orders of Note
    • Chromatography
      • Company Announcements
      • Product Introductions
    • Spectroscopy
      • Company Announcements
      • Product Introductions
      • Sales & Orders of Note
    • Materials Characterization
      • Company Announcements
      • Product Introductions
  • Bottom Line
  • IBO 070324 Issue.pdf