2024 C-Arm Market Outlook Report

25 Jun 2024

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The 2024 IMV Fixed C-arm Market Outlook report provides an overview of the fixed C-arm market. The report provides detailed information about the priorities and outlook of departments with fixed C-arms, information about procedure volumes and the mix of procedures performed using fixed C-arms. The report also covers installed base information and future purchase plans, including information about which manufacturers are present and being considered for purchase over the next few years. In addition, the report covers installed base and purchase plan information for portable C-arm units and a section providing details on site operations for hospitals. The report includes detailed information about the departments in the hospital where the equipment is currently located including in cardiology, radiology/interventional radiology, surgery, hybrid OR and other departments with fixed C-arm equipment. The procedure types examined in this report include radiology, interventional radiology, cardiology, interventional cardiology, minimally invasive procedures, surgery and hybrid procedures. The report includes a wide variety of charts and graphs that breakout the above information along a number of dimensions including department type and hospital size. The key features and findings of these charts are highlighted in the report and where appropriate comparisons to previous data are noted for context.

The information in this report is useful to inform planning and decision making for imaging equipment manufacturers, hospital systems, medical software development companies as well as companies that serve those industries. Specifically strategy, marketing, sales and market research departments can make use of the information in this report.

Respondents participated in an IMV-hosted online survey from March 11 to April 25, 2024.

Key topics include:

  • Department Priorities & Future Outlook
  • Procedure Volume in Hospitals with Fixed C-arms
  • Installed Base of Fixed C-arm Systems in Hospitals
  • Purchase Plans for Fixed C-arm Systems
  • Installed Base & Purchase Plans for Portable C-arm Units
  • Site Operations Characteristics

Page Count: 145